Today's true story is going to be a quick one as I just received a call from the Presidents executive assitant letting me know a little birdie told her that I have been working really hard and doing a great job ... soooo I suppose that means I shouldn't be logged into blogger too long. My true story is simply that I rock! I was just sitting here minding my own business when my ex-supervisor, the biggest (although shortest in height) sweetheart in the company who has just left my department, but is still in accounting came into my office to discuss road use (bills we have to sent a gazillion companies who use our roads out in the field to get to their wells). When we're done trash talking the way they want us to enter the bills (manually ... by hand ... I think not!) she asked me if I like going to hockey games. Heck yes. I used to go to a few hockey games a year in my old companies box suite ... living the high life .... but since the "recession", that company no longer exists and the owner took his suite with him. Oh well ... The company I work at now has season tickets to the Flames games and had been giving them away through draws. I've entered every single draw for every single game for the last 3 years and was never picked. Well we haven't had draws for the games recently because they're trying something new with the tickets ... giving them to people in the company that deserve them. You know where I'm going with this I'm sure ... Yep, the executive assistant to the President of my company was calling to ask if I am interested in going to the Flames game tomorrow night. Why of course I am. T-Bone is going to hate me a little when I break the news to him that I'll be taking Australia to the game instead of him ... he was devastated to hear the news that his beloved Toronto Maple Leafs acquired Phaneuf from Calgary for 3 of his Maple Leafs and I'm sure he'd appreciate seeing his "Calgary Maple Leafs" play tomorrow against Carolina. Unfortunately for him, I haven't done anything like this with Australia in a long time and she asked me the last time I went to a game if I can take her next time I get tickets. Of course sweetie, anything for you, because you, as well as I, rock!
For more true stories (and probably a little funnier and more insteresting as this one was solely to brag about myself), check out Once Upon a Miracle ....

Good for you! You deserve those tickets! Its really nice to feel appreciated and told that you are doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work! Thanks for stopping by today :)
ReplyDeleteI love going to hockey games, they are so much fun! Congrats and good job!
ReplyDeleteWay to go! I hope you have fun!
ReplyDeleteWhoo-hoo!!! Congrats on your well-earned prize! You do rock! :) Hope you have an awesome time!
ReplyDeleteGood for you!!!