Today's true story is just something quick n dirty ... and painful. I blogged here about my fabulous weekend and my fabulous new pair of shoes ... the Hush Puppies that I spent eleventy billion dollars on. More than I ever spend on shoes, but I loved them and felt that I deserved them. Apparantly I did not! I wore them out that night and this is what the mean little pricks did to my feet:
(yes, that's three band-aids you're seein. and they aren't just normal blisters, they're slices ... with blood and everything ... sheesh)
And now Sydnerella thinks I'm a total weirdo for asking her to take a picture of my heels. Her exact reponse when she saw them was "What the fffff .... " She avoided eye contact as long as she could after I told her not to swear, it's not lady like. (Tehehe) ... She replies, "I wasn't going to say it Mom, geeze ... And you say it all the time!" Trying to put me in my place. Well I showed her by saying "Well I'm an adult. Not a lady!" Burn ... Also, those aren't flood pants. I had them hiked way up for the pose until Sydnerella said, "Wow, you're legs are really white". I pulled them down a little and said "Fuck off, they are not!" (or something just as adult that made her laugh wildly at the denial of my white legs ...)

OUCH!!! You should email the Hush Puppie customer service and tell them and send them that picture!
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing worse in the world than when your feet hurt! Owie!
ReplyDeleteOuch! I hate when shoes do that. I always throw them out if the make me get blisters.
ReplyDeleteYikes....and ouch all at once.
ReplyDeleteOUCH! Ooh, my heels hurt just looking at that pic! LOL! You might need a wee bit of sun, but it's barely spring, right? You've got some time. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. That looks SO painful. I hope they get more comfortable as time goes by! : )
ReplyDeleteI've had shoes like this. A trick is to rub chapstick on the inside of the heels of the shoes and it should take care of the problem. Just be careful to mark that chapstick as SHOES ONLY chapstick!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! You are ME! Sacrifice for the sake of shoes!
ReplyDelete(Except that my shoes have the bandaids on the inside... easier than keeping them on my heels!)
Thanks for linking up!!!
I hate when that happens! Those shoes must have really hurt!