Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mr. Sisters ex-girlfriend

Well I am still having a hard time getting the "True Story Tuesday" linky pic thingy in the middle of my post here, all sorts of weird stuff happened when I went to Edit HTML, and pasted, now I could be way off, but that's what I'm assuming needs to happen ... if anyone can lend assistance, I'd feel a wee bit stupid but would appreciate it. I do, however, know how to add a link, so I'll just it this way for now ... here's my true story this chilly Tuesday ....

Back when my oldest sister (we'll call her Mr. Sister because she's gay) was dating her second girlfriend, my kid was about 4 years old. We gathered at my moms house one morning, there was about 5 of us sitting around the kitchen table having coffee. My kid hopped up on the lap of Mr. Sisters girlfriend to say Hello. All convseration had come to a stop (because that's always what happens when someone is about to say something loudy that will either embarass themselves, the person they are talking to, or the person they are talking about) and my 4 year old, still excited with all the people gushing over her, but now at a loss for what to say next (I guess ...), in her too-cute-for-words little void asked "Are you a boy?" My head was in the fridge looking for the coffee cream, a noose, whatever ... and I just froze. As did everyone else in the kitchen by the sounds of it. All awaiting for Mr. Sisters girlfriend to answer the sweet little girl on her lap. She quietly confirmed that Yes, she was a girl. This seemed to satisfy my kid and I breathed a sigh of relief, then heard some muffled chatter outside the fridge, so I knew the discomfort had been averted. Until my daughter decided she was not, in fact, satisfied with the answer she had just received. She loudly boomed in her too-cute-for-words voice ... "then why do you have a moustache?" Well hell ... Mr. Sister's girlfriend did indeed have a moustache, not like a full set of handle bars with a goatie or anything like that, but also not like the little blond peach fuzz I have above my upper lip that my eye brow ladies always seem to notice when I go in to get threaded ... anyway, I don't remember must else of that converstation because I kepy my head in the fridge as long as I could, just searching for that coffee cream ...


  1. Popping over from Once Upon a Miracle.

    Okay, first of all I love that you refer to your sister as Mr. Sister. I seriously choked on my water when I read that.

    Second, your daughter is a hoot!!

    Great True Story!

  2. Ooh, I also wanted ot tell you that you can copy the code for the button from Once Upon a Miracle and paste it in your "compose" mode (not the edit html mode). If you want it centered add "center" before the code and "/center" after the code (replace the quotes with < and >, it won't allow me to publish the comment with code).

  3. That's hilarious Stac.....so many memories of Sydney, she was always saying and doing funny things. Remember the day she was so excited to see me, she slapped me? hahaha I'll have to tell her that story next time I see her.

  4. I just choked on my lunch and coughed Monster all over my keyboard...THAT was funny!!

  5. LMAO ~ In the fridge looking for a noose...Too Funny. Needless to say she probably doesn't have stash anymore! Out of the mouths of babes, the best part of having kids is they say what we are thinking and nobody can be mad at those cute little faces when they blow through the stop signs! ;)

  6. SO funny. I am with Kmama on the Mr. Sister thing. Bet she LOVES that. Just when you think the damage is done, the darn kid goes and HAS to say one more thing! LOL

  7. Okay - I thought this was too funny, then I went and read Ladydee's comment and tried to picture it. And I just totally got the giggles.

    I love how you described it perfectly - that strange silence that happens right before a young and honest child opens their mouth.

    Hey, at least she got her questions answered right? :)

    Too too funny! Thanks for linking up! :)

  8. And I am sorry the link picture wasn't working for ya. I didn't realize you could do it like Kmama described... learn something new every day.

  9. I heart her! She cracks me up. I don't think I've ever heard this story before and Mr. Sister...OMG...dying here, can you come save me???

  10. Bahahahahahaa! Mr. Sister is hilarious! And out of the mouths of babes. What can you say?

  11. Hello this is Mr. Sister...
    anyway, one time me and my moustached gal had my niece over for a sleep over. And we were hanging out playing and she looks at us with a perplexing look and asks " are you sure you guys are girls?" Love it
